Young actor Raj Tarun is currently busy shooting for his next film Iddari Lokam Okate. GR Krishna is the director and Dil Raju is the producer. The shoot of the film is currently on and Iddari Lokam Okate will release post Dasara this year. Raj Tarun signed one more film which got its official launch
Tag Archives: Raj tharun
Megha akash in talks for Raj Tarun
Young actor Raj Tarun needs a massive hit to bounce back and stand in the race. After a long break, the actor is all set for his next film which is under pre-production. The movie is inspired from a Turkish blockbuster and will be directed by Krishna Reddy who directed Sudheer Babu’s Aadu Magaadra Bujji
Raj Tarun’s two films Pushed
Young actor Raj Tarun has enough films in his kitty and the young actor has been busy wrapping up his future projects in quick succession. He wrapped up two back to back films Rangularatnam and Raju Gadu. Rangularatnam is directed by a debutant and Nagarjuna’s Annapurna Studios bankrolled the movie. On the other side, Raju