Superstar Mahesh Babu is shooting for his next film titled Maharshi. Vamshi Paidipally is the director and Pooja Hegde is the female lead. Mahesh plays a young enterprenuer in this emotional drama and Allari Naresh has been picked up for a crucial role. Jagapathi Babu, Prakash Raj, Rao Ramesh, Brahmaji and Vennela Kishore will be
Tag Archives: pooja
Bellamkonda youngster locks Republic Day
Bellamkonda Sreenivas is still waiting to score a massive hit as none of his films ended up recovering their investments. The actor pinned all his hopes on his next film which has been titled Saakshyam. Talented young director Sriwass is the director of the film which is said to be a mass and action entertainer.