Young actress Nidhhi Agerwal made an impressive debut with Naga Chaitanya’s Savyasachi. Though the film failed at the box-office, the performance of Nidhhi Agerwal has been widely appreciated. The actress is romancing Akhil in his next film titled Mr Majnu which is releasing early next year. Nidhhi Agerwal pinned several hopes on this romantic entertainer
Tag Archives: nidhi agerwal
Savyasachi Movie Review
Youngster Naga Chaitanya who tasted a disaster with Shailaja Reddy Alludu is all set to test his luck with an action thriller Savyasachi. The film deals with vanishing twin syndrome and is directed by Chandoo Mondeti. Nidhhi Agerwal is the female lead and R Madhavan, Bhumika Chawla will be seen in other interesting roles. MM