Natural Star Nani has been working round the clock to wrap up all the commitments. The actor has been shooting for his next film Krishnarjuna Yuddham which is said to be a romantic entertainer and is in final stages of shoot. Merlapaka Gandhi is the director of the film and Anupama Parameshwaran is the female
Tag Archives: natural star
Krishnarjuna Yuddham overseas rights get Record Price
Natural Star Nani has been riding high with back to back hits and the actor is unstoppable at the box-office. His recent outing MCA has been declared as the biggest blockbuster in the actor’s career and he is busy shooting for his next project titled Krishnarjuna Venkatadri Express and Express Raja fame Merlapaka Gandhi is
Nani turns Arjun from Krishnarjuna Yudham
Natural Star Nani is on cloud nine with back to back hits and his last outing MCA is collecting close to Rs 40 crores and has been declared as the actor’s biggest hit. He is shooting for his next film titled Krishnarjuna Yudham which is directed by Merlapaka Gandhi. Anupama Parameshwaran is the female lead