Talented director Krish has been asked to direct Manikarnika, a war drama that narrates the life story of warrior queen Jhansi Laxmibhai. Krish walked out of the project due to undisclosed reasons when the shoot of the film neared completion. The trailer released recently received exceptional response from the audience. Kangana made some controversial comments
Tag Archives: manikarnika
Controversies on Manikarnika continues
Bollywood queen Kangana Ranaut is essaying the title role as Rani Laxmibhai in Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi. Sensible director Krish is the director and he walked out of the project during the final days of shoot. The film landed into a bunch of controversies and the budget came up, the release date got delayed.
Krish walks out of Manikarnika
Talented director Krish has been knocked with an interesting Bollywood film Manikarnika which happens to be the life story of warrior queen Jhansi Laxmibhai. The movie’s shoot is 90% complete after which Krish has been assigned the responsibility to direct Balakrishna’s NTR. He has been monitoring the happenings of Manikarnika and the film’s female lead