Young actor Manchu Manoj suffered massive debacles and the actor’s theatrical market tumbled down badly. The actor is left with no movies and he even had family issues after which Manchu Manoj decided to take a major break. Though he decided to quit films, his fans requested the actor to return back to Tollywood. He
Tag Archives: Manchu Manoj
Manchu Manoj still unclear about Okkadu Migiladu
Young actor Manchu Manoj wrapped up the shoot of his next film Okkadu Migiladu which completed all the post-production formalities. Ajay Andrews Nuthaki directed the movie and Anisha Ambrose played the female lead. Okkadu Migiladu features Manchu Manoj in a dual role: one as LTTE Chief and the other as a student leader. The movie
Manchu Manoj all set for Tamil Debut
Manchu Manoj is one among the most talented actors of Telugu cinema. The actor wrapped up the shoot of his next movie Okkadu Migiladu which is said to be a high voltage action entertainer. Ajay Andrews is the director and the movie features Manoj in two different roles. In one among them, Manoj plays a
Manchu Manoj wraps up Okkadu Migiladu
Young actor Manchu Manoj who did impressive films in his career failed to impress the audience with his recent outings. After a massive break, the actor is all set with his next movie titled Okkadu Migiladu. Directed by Ajay Andrews, the entire shoot of the movie has been wrapped up recently. Manoj will be seen