Will Government Take Or Trash ‘Veena-Vani’ Challenge?

June 10, 2016 at 6:32 am

The name Veena and Vani is not unfamiliar to the Telugu people and also in the medical circles. They are the Siamese twins who were meant to be separated through a surgery. The case also went to the prestigious AIIMS in New Delhi.

However, AIIMS experts have now raised their hands and made it clear they cannot do the surgery. With this, the ball has fallen into the court of the Telangana government. Health Minister Laxma Reddy has already given assurance that help would be offered.

But fact remains that the twins hardly got anything from the past thirteen years. Given the media focus on this case, it has to be seen whether the Telangana government will take this as a challenge and do something about it or dump this silently.

Will Government Take Or Trash ‘Veena-Vani’ Challenge?
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