Superstar Rajinikanth is back after Kabali with his next film Kaala which is an action thriller. PA Ranjith is the director of the movie and Rajinikanth played a gangster. Eswari Rao, Huma Qureshi, Nana Patekar and Samuthirakani played other pivotal roles and the movie has been announced for release on June 7th in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi languages. The entire post-production work of the film has been wrapped up and the makers started the promotions.
A grand pre-release event of Kaala has been planned to take place on May 29th evening in Novotel, Hyderabad. Rajinikanth along with the team of Kaala will attend the event. Santosh Narayanan composed the music and the audio is already a hit. Wunderbar Films produced Kaala and Lyca Productions is releasing the film worldwide. Rajinikanth’s look and the first teaser received wide applause from the audience.