Young Tiger NTR is occupied with the shoot of RRR along with Ram Charan which is directed by SS Rajamouli. The actor kept all his assignments aside and wished to keep all his focus on RRR. Star MAA has been approaching the top actor for Bigg Boss 3 which is yet to commence. After the first season turned out to be a super hit, NTR walked out of season 2 and Nani replaced the top actor. Star MAA is keen on bringing back NTR for Bigg Boss 3.
The latest news is that NTR had a word with Star MAA and confirmed that he would stay away from third season and wanted to focus completely on RRR. Now Star MAA is in search for the right actor who can do a remarkable job for Bigg Boss 3. Sharwanand and Rana Daggubati are considered and an official announcement would be made once things are final.