Mass Raja Ravi Teja is shattered with back to back debacles in his career. The actor after back to back flops Touch Chesi Chudu and Nela Ticket tested his luck with Amar Akbar Anthony and the film left the actor in huge troubles. The film has been badly rejected by the audience and it will end up collecting a theatrical share of Rs 6 crores after it has been made on a budget of Rs 30 crores.
The actor signed his next film in the direction of VI Anand and the film is said to be a sci-fi thriller. After the poor performance of his films at the box-office, the makers of his next slashed down the budget of the film. They asked the director to wrap up the shoot in record time. Nabha Natesh and Payal Rajput are the heroines in this untitled project. Nela Ticket producer Ram Talluri is producing this film on SRT Entertainments banner.