Natural Star Nani has been on the top with back to back roaring hits in his career. After the actor reached all time high, he started signing interesting movies. His next outing Krishnarjuna Yuddham is gearing up for summer release and is directed by Merlapaka Gandhi. Nani plays dual roles in this action thriller and Anupama Parameshwaran, Rukshar Mir are the female leads. The entire post-production work of Krishnarjuna Yuddham has been wrapped up recently.
The film completed all the censor formalities and it received U/A certificate. Krishnarjuna Yuddham passed without a single cut and objection, it received appreciations for the content. Dil Raju is releasing Krishnarjuna Yuddham across Telugu states and the film has been produced by Shine Screens. Hiphop Thamiza composed the music and Krishnarjuna Yuddham is gearing up for a huge release on April 12th all over.