Sensible actor Srinivas Avasarala made his directorial debut with Oohalu Gusagusaladey after which he directed Jyo Achyutananda. Occupied with several interesting roles, Srinivas Avasarala kept his next directorial on hold. The latest update we hear is that Srinivas Avasarala is gearing up for his next directorial and he will launch a Mega hero in his next.
Sai Dharam Tej’s brother Vaishnav Tej is all set for debut and Srinivas Avasarala will direct this breezy romantic drama. Sai Korrapati has been asked to launch Vaishnav Tej and he will produce the film on Vaaraahi Chalana Chitram banner. The film will start rolling during the second half of this year. Srinivas Avasarala is currently busy finalizing the other cast, crew for this untitled film.