Nandamuri Balakrishna has been quite delighted as he is all set to step into the shoes of the biopic of his father and legendary actor NTR. The movie has been titled NTR and it had a grand launch today in Ramakrishna Studios, Hyderabad. Each and every Nandamuri family member has been invited by Balakrishna personally and all of them attended the event. However Young Tiger NTR failed to make it to the event as he received no invitation from Balakrishna.
Despite of the request from his family members, Balakrishna was not in a mood to invite NTR. Kalyanram too requested Balakrishna informed a source and he ended up skipping the actor. Teja is the director of this biopic and the regular shoot commenced today in a specially erected set in Ramakrishna Studios, Hyderabad. NBK Films, Vaaraahi Chalana Chitram and Vibri Media are jointly producing NTR which will release during Dasara this year. Vidya Balan is rumored to play the female lead.