Superstar Mahesh Babu’s next outing Bharat Ane Nenu has been declared as a massive hit and the film has been collecting massive money across the globe. Koratala Siva directed the film and Kiara Advani is the heroine. Mahesh played a Chief Minister in the film and the political drama impressed the audience big time. Bharat Ane Nenu is collecting close to Rs 200 crores in two weeks of its box-office run.
With length issues, the makers had to chop off the crucial Holi fight from the film. Now with the movie turning huge hit and receiving wide response, the makers are in plans to add the Holi fight episode from third week. Devi Sri Prasad is the music composer and DVV Danayya is the producer. Bharat Ane Nenu is even a smashing hit in USA and it inched 3.5 million USD mark already.