Talented youngster Nara Rohit needs a massive hit to bounce back to commercial track in Telugu cinema. After a mad rush of films and back to back debacles, the actor is on a break and is busy picking up interesting scripts. The actor’s next film will be launched officially on the auspicious day of Ugadi on March 18th in Hyderabad. PB Manjunath will direct this interesting thriller and Nara Rohit has been assigned a challenging role.
Nara Rohit plays a guy who is dumb in the film and he was completely impressed with the assigned role. The other lead actors from this untitled film are being finalized currently and the regular shoot starts from the second half of this year. Vikas Kurumella is the music composer while Richard Prasad is the cinematographer. Bankrolled by Narayana Rao Atluri, the film will hit the screens during the end of this year.