King Nagarjuna who has been struggling with debacles surprised everyone after he signed a film for Ram Gopal Varma. The movie has been titled Officer and is said to be a high voltage action thriller. Nag plays a ruthless cop in this action entertainer and most of the film has been shot in Mumbai. Myra Sareen has been roped in to play a crucial role in the film and the entire post-production work of Officer has been wrapped up recently. RGV has been left into a series of controversies recently because of which Officer release date has been kept on hold.
Ram Gopal Varma after a week of silence himself revealed that Officer will hit the screens as planned on May 25th across the globe. RGV clarified that the film has not delays and the entire post-production work has been wrapped up. RGV’s Company produced Officer which is all about the investigation of a murder mystery. Nag pinned many hopes on Officer.