Malayalam beauty Keerthy Suresh played the female lead in several Tamil and Telugu big budget films. The actress’ performance in Mahanati has been widely appreciated and the film ended up as a massive hit. Keerthy Suresh signed a bunch of films but she hasn’t signed a Telugu film after Mahanati. Keerthy Suresh is now all
Tag Archives: Superstar
Bharat ane Nenu Shooting Updates
Superstar Mahesh Babu has been busy with the shoot of his next movie titled Bharat ane Nenu. Top director Koratala Siva is directing this social drama and Mahesh plays a Chief Minister in the movie. Kiara Advani is the female lead and Bharat ane Nenu has a strong social message in the movie. The latest
Mahesh Babu’s next from February
Superstar Mahesh Babu signed a film for Vamshi Paidipally and the film is said to be a romantic entertainer. Top producers Dil Raju and Ashwini Dutt will bankroll this project which will start rolling once Mahesh wraps up his work for Bharat anu Nenu in the direction of Koratala Siva. Though the film has been