Young actor Aadi Saikumar has been struggling for success and he is making his comeback with Next Nuvve after a decent break. Actor and host Prabhakar is making his debut as director with the film which is a horror comedy. Produced by V4 Movies, Next Nuvve is releasing across the globe today. Here is the
Tag Archives: reshmi
Halo Fading Away For Rashmi?
The raunchy seductress Rashmi Gautham was on cloud nine with the craze and fan following she received after the super hit of “Guntur Talkies”. The film also had Shraddha Das in an interesting role. She won the title as the next “sex bomb” in Tollywood with her oomph factor and other sexy poses. This also
Exposing Not Acclaimed Second Time
Tollywood’s latest sex bomb Rashmi Gautham showed her prowess in the film “Guntur Talkies”. With this movie she turned into a sex icon overnight and the expectations touched the sky. Now the film makers of “Antham” which is her second film have released a trailer in which she is seen in intimate moments which set the