Nandamuri Balakrishna has been busy with back to back films. After Gautamiputra Satakarni ended up as a roaring hit, the actor wrapped up Paisa Vasool. His recent film Jai Simha has been declared as a blockbuster all over which released during Sankrathi. Balakrishna is currently on a break after he wrapped up all his commitments
Tag Archives: nandamuri
Nara Rohit signs his next film
Young and talented actor Nara Rohit tasted a series of debacles in the recent years. None of his movies impressed the audience and his mad rush of films left his place in danger. The actor has been shattered with the result of Balakrishnudu which was said to be his costliest film in his career. After
NBK Disappoints his Fans
Nandamuri Balakrishna who has been riding high on the success of his recent outing Jai Simha is currently occupied with his political engagements. The actor recently shot for a special teaser of his next film titled NTR which marks the biopic of his father and legendary actor NTR. The film will be directed by Teja
Kalyanram to remake Ramleela
Nandamuri Kalyanram has been shattered with back to back debacles and he took a small break from films. He then signed two back to back films which are currently under shoot. The actor has been shooting for MLA which is helmed by a debutant Upendra Madhav. Kajal Agarwal is the female lead and the movie
NBK’s Jai Simha Shoot Wrapped
Nanadamuri Balakrishna has an interesting line up of films and after Paisa Vasool, the actor pinned all his hopes on his next film Jai Simha. Touted to be an action entertainer, the movie has been directed by KS Ravikumar. Nayanathara, Natasha Doshi and Hari Priya are the female leads in the movie. The entire shoot
White Rice Puts Balayya In Trouble
Nandamuri Natasimham Balakrishna is known for his magnanimity and his powerful onscreen presence. Outside, he is known for his statements which are sometimes perceived in a rather controversial manner. Something like that has happened now with Balayya’s statement during his birthday celebrations in USA. He reportedly mentioned as to how people of Telangana got to