Young actor Nikhil returned back to track with Arjun Suravaram which raked decent revenues over the weekend. The actor signed a film for Mega Producer Allu Aravind and the film is announced today officially. Palnati Surya Pratap who directed sensational hit Kumari 21F with Raj Tarun will direct this interesting film. The film will start
Tag Archives: Geetha Arts
Allu Aravind lining up Mega Projects
Mega Producer Allu Aravind is one filmmaker with Midas touch and he produced some of the biggest blockbusters of Telugu cinema. He slowed down in the recent times and is much focused on launching his own OTT platform next year. Along with these, this Mega-producer is lining up a bunch of Mega projects next year.
Avasarala With Mega Actor?
Chiranjeevi With Geetha Arts.
Megastar Chiranjeevi who is working now for Telugu film “Khaidi No 150”, will be soon teaming up with producer and mega mastermind Allu Aravind. This will reportedly be an untitled project under Geetha Arts banner. They are also currently in the process of discussing and finalizing the script and storyline. Chiru is now very busy